Enjoy Geums - Brilliant in Orange

Enjoy Geums – Brilliant in Orange

Everyone would and should enjoy Geums! Popularly, they are called as Avens.  They are long flowering flowers and they come in brilliant shades to brighten up the gloomiest of days.  They dazzle us with their brilliance, like this one in a bright shade of orange, despite their small stature.  Geums are petite perennials that love a sunny position.  

Growing Geums

Plant them in a fairly sunny spot with average watering and they will thrive.  Here in Adelaide, South Australia, they enjoy being planted in a slightly sheltered position to shield them from the intensity of the Summer sun.  In heavy frost locations, they might disappear as they are herbaceous perennials, but will return refreshed and revived to perform their best when the warmer spring weather arrives.  In hot areas, it would be important to keep them well watered in Summer.  Afternoon shade areas would work in places with hot summer well, as they would be protected from the harsh afternoon sun.

Enjoy Geums - Brilliant in Orange
Enjoy Geums – Brilliant in Orange

In the garden

When planted in mass plantings, they can hold their own in  the garden and put on a brilliant display.  A nice contrast in planting, would be purple or blue flowering plants such as Salvias.  Being short plants, they would benefit in being planted at the front of the flower border.  Every few years, they would benefit in being divided as despite being perennials, they live for a few years only.  

Grow Geums

According to the Guardian, they have become a popular flower recently and are a Chelsea favourite.  Wikipedia mentions that the word Geum refers to about 50 species of plants in the Rose family and that they are widespread across the continents.   That just means that everyone can find a favourite Geum to enjoy from the many on offer.  Why not plant a few in your garden and enjoy Geums in their brilliant bright colours all through their long flowering time.

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