Adelaide Hills Botanical Gardens

Taking time to – appreciate Autumn leaves

Autumn is in full swing here in Adelaide and it pays an earlier visit to the Adelaide Hills before it graces those of us in the plains with its presence.  A couple of weekends ago we went to the Mount Lofty Botanical gardens that were n the full swing of Autumn.  

Autumn Colours in the Adelaide Hills
Autumn Paid an early visit to the Adelaide Hills

It is easy to just pass by without pausing to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us at Autumn.  Each day we are preoccupied with the concerns of the day and we fail to notice the falling leaves in their multicoloured variance.  I have been in the habit of picking up a leaf now and again, especially one that is in front of me in my path, to admire, even momentarily before continuing my walk.  

Today, I decided to take time to appreciate them.  I didn’t have to venture far from our front door to find some strewn Autumn leaves.    

Leaves in shades of designer Red
In Shades of Designer Red

It was truly fascinating to find the subtle shade differences and designs in the leaves.  No two leaves were alike.  Capturing their beauty in full sun was a delightful exercise.   

The Odd Yellow Crew Leaves
The Odd Yellow Crew

The shapes and colours are just brilliant.  The textures also differed wildly form each other. 

The motley lot of scarlet leaves
The motley lot of Scarlet leaves

These three leaves also looked amazing with their mottled designs and curvy, squiggly stems.  I absolutely enjoyed taking time out to appreciate the Autumn leaves around us.

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